Carson has been so playful and full of smiles today!!!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Living With Autism: Day 37
We went to the campground at the lake today. Carson had a lot of fun. He really liked the camp fire. It seemed to be calming to him. He enjoyed pushing Maddy in the stroller. He was very happy today and smiled A LOT!!!
Friday, September 28, 2012
Living With Autism: Day 36
Carson had his 4 year checkup today. He was diagnosed with ADHD which didn't come as a shock. Children with Autism usually have some form of adhd. It is manageable for now and it's not interfering with his focus at school.
The doctor told us that he hasn't found a medication yet that works well for kids on the spectrum because stimulant medications are what is prescribed for ADHD. Stimulants and autism don't go together. Most of the time these medications will have the opposite effect.
I think we have him on the right track and medication free! As you can see in the pictures below, Carson has been very calm lately. He is doing just fine!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Living With Autism: Day 35
One of Carson's goals this quarter is to touch his toes with NVI — non verbal imitation. He is doing well with it but still needs prompting.
Carson has a difficult time comprehending what is said to him. He understands a few key words but not full sentences.
He now understands come here, take off shoes, pull up pants and a few others.
With NVI we say to Carson "do this" and then we do what we want him to imitate. We usually will have to prompt him a few times until he gets it on his own.
The picture below is of Carson clapping when I said "do this"
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Living With Autism: Day 34
Carson has had his ipad time limited at school. When he gets home he likes to make up for lost time...
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Living With Autism: Day 33
Carson is back to his usual self now that we discontinued the medicine. He is back to his playful happy self :)
Monday, September 24, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Living With Autism: Day 31
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Living With Autism: Day 30
Friday, September 21, 2012
Living With Autism: Day 29
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Living With Autism: Day 28
The school called today and said he had been crying all day. I picked him up early. He has been calm and relaxed most of the afternoon but we have decided to discontinue the medicine and take a different approach. He has an appointment next week with his pediatrician so we will go from there.
The pictures below are of him this afternoon and evening. The crying has subsided for now...
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Living With Autism: Day 27
Today is Day 5 of Carson's new medication. We switched it to bedtime instead of mornings to see if he will be less groggy during the day. He is very happy and more alert already :)
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
Living With Autism: Day 25
The past few weeks we have been considering bringing Carson to see a psychiatrist to be evaluated for ADHD. He is in constant movement and won't sit still longer than a few minutes. We decided to make the appointment and we went last week. The doctor told us ADHD is difficult to diagnose in children with Autism because the symptoms are so similar. He suggested a medication to calm Carson and said time will tell if he has ADHD. We had a very hard time with this decision. We want to do anything and everything we can to help Carson. The thought of him being on medicine is heartbreaking. We never wanted to go this route but we decided we would give it a try. Our biggest fear is the medicine will make him zombie like. If we see that happening we will discontinue it. We gave him his first dose on Saturday. Today is day 3 and he has done nothing but sleep all day for 3 days! We were told this might happen and not to be worried. He missed school today and will miss it again tomorrow. We won't send him back until we see he isn't going to sleep all day. These past few days have been very scary! Seeing him sedated and so lethargic has been awful. I hope that part ends soon and we start seeing benefits. The pics below is what he's been like for 3 days!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Living With Autism: Day 23
Carson having a gluten free peanut butter & jelly sandwich, his favorite!!!
Friday, September 14, 2012
Living With Autism: Day 22
Carson doing a floor puzzle. He is so focused and attentive when doing puzzles.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Living With Autism: Day 21
Carson has been very playful today. He has been interacting with Madison a lot more and with other children as well. He wants to play but he still doesn't quite know how to play with other kids. He can be rough but he doesn't mean to be. He doesn't know his own strength but he will get there.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Living With Autism: Day 20
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Living With Autism: Day 19
Carson loves crunchy foods and he especially likes to eat ice cubes. He was eating them so often that I was worried he would chip a tooth. We bought a snow cone maker and now we give him shaved ice. He loves it and gets so excited when I get it out. Simple things like this make him so happy.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Living With Autism: Day 18
Carson is on a gluten and dairy free diet. This diet is recommended for children with Autism because it reduces the symptoms of autism and improves speech, behavior and sleep patterns. The diet is known as the GFCF diet and it has benefited Carson tremendously. We have to buy food for him at a specialty store and it is expensive but worth it. Gluten is found in pasta, breads, cereals, crackers, pancakes, etc. It's in just about everything! Carson is a very picky eater as it is so it's very difficult to find things he will eat. He loves french toast and eats it everyday for breakfast and sometimes for dinner. The pictures below are of breakfast this morning
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Living With Autism: Day 17
Carson has 2 weighted vests that he wears occasionally. The benefit of these vests is to help him focus and feel calm. The weights are comforting and makes him feel secure. Wearing the vest has been compared to a hug. Carson likes wearing his and it does seem to focus him. The vest is only meant to be worn a short period of time. If Carson wears it often and for a long time it isn't as effective because his body will adjust to it. He brings it to us sometimes when he wants to wear it. He uses it more at school than home. The pictures below are of Carson wearing the vest.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Living With Autism: Day 16
Carson has been so happy today! Full of smiles and giggles. We went out for lunch and he was so good. His new love is horses. He got a new toy horse at the gift shop at cracker barrel and he hasn't let go of it since!