So much to update on this month. Carson is doing well but having some minor challenges with all of the changes that have occurred. He has changed schools. Well actually his school has changed locations but he is still at Step by Step Academy. The new facility is really awesome with an indoor play area and pool.
He starts special needs swim lessons on Friday and we are so excited for that. He loves water!!
Our Science Museum had a Autism Day last weekend that we brought Carson to. He had so much fun and loved the water play and the space exhibit. There are a few pictures at the bottom of this post.
We found a psychologist that specializes in autism and autism behaviors. We have an appointment at the end of the month. We are very excited to talk to him and hear what he recommends. The medication we have him on now isn't working. It's supposed to help him sleep but he is still waking several times a night. We are hoping to find a medication that not only helps him sleep but helps his adhd as well.
Carson will become a big brother again in just a few weeks. We are worried about how he will adjust to a new baby in the house. He did ok when his sister was born so we will see and hope for the best.
Overall, he is doing fairly well. We are keeping him busy between school, speech therapy, occupational therapy and swim lessons. His schedule is very full but he has summer break the first week of July so we have some fun things planned for the week.