Tuesday, December 6, 2011


We have had some hard days with Carson. I have broke down and cried the past few days because I see him regressing again. He has just been so unhappy the past 2 weeks and once again its a constant guessing game to what he is upset about. He whines constantly and has been having major fits. He is doing great at school and his teacher tells us that he isnt acting out at all. At home its a completley different story. He wont eat and he is just miserable constantly. We dont know what he wants or why he is so upset. He has no tolerance for Madison again.

For awhile things were so much better and he was making so many improvements. I just wish I knew what he wanted. He cant sit still and cant be entertained. The only thing that makes him happy is to put a movie on for him and it makes us feel guilty to always have to do that. I really wish he would talk and everyday that goes by and he doesnt it makes me feel so helpless and hopeless. I dont like feeling that way. I want to stay positive but somedays its so hard.

I have been so depressed because I feel like a failure as a mother. I want to fix Carson. I want to make him happy and I want him to be able to function like any other 3yr old. I am so worried he will never have a normal life, he will never talk and he will never be happy :(

The only thing I can do is pray and hope that one day our prayers will be answered. We try so hard to make things better for him but somedays we both just feel so defeated

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