Sunday, August 11, 2013

August 2013 Update

July was a busy month and I didn't get a chance to post an update. Carson became a big brother again to a baby brother. He is adjusting well to the new baby but had a hard time when I was in the hospital. He doesn't have a lot of interest in the baby but sometimes he will smile at him and touch his face.
Carson will be turning 5 this month. It's a little bittersweet because he should be starting kindergarten this year. This is another big milestone we are missing. It makes me sad but I'm happy he is at Step by Step. He has moved back to the old location and he is doing well with the change. The first few days were difficult but he seems happy to be at school again.
He is doing well on the medication to help him sleep at night. It has been confirmed that he has ADHD in addition to autism so we have an appointment this week to discuss medications for ADHD. He is so hyperactive and just can't sit still so we are hoping we can find a medication that will work for him.
Meltdowns have been minimal but they happen the most when he gets over tired or when we are somewhere new. We try really hard to keep his routine and surroundings the same to avoid him getting stressed.
Overall he is doing great and continues to progress everyday. Still no words but we aren't giving up hope that one day they will come. We just take it one day at a time and try to focus on the things he can do instead of the things he can't.

1 comment:

  1. HUGS, will keep Carson in my prayers, hope all goes well and the doctors can get him on the right meds for ADHD, My heart goes out to you all, I have a nephew with autism and know how difficult it is at times... :)
