Thursday, November 3, 2011


Carson is slowly starting to emerge from his shell!!! The past few days have been so amazing. I really think the gluten free diet he is on has made a HUGE difference! He has been so connected to us and engaged with the world! Its amazing!!! His eye contact has been awesome and he is trying so hard to say some words. Tonight when I was giving him a bath we were playing peek-a-boo like we always do and I said Boo like I always do and he repeated it!!!!! I burst into tears! That is amazing and a huge accomplishment for him!!!! When I dropped him off for school the other day he said bye and every morning on the way to school it sounds like he is trying to say school. I am so amazed and so proud of him!!!!! I think everything we are doing is starting to pay off and he is starting to emerge from his shell FINALLY!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! How amazing. What a sweet little boy. So glad the diet seems to be working for you guys. Sounds like he's doing great! :)
