Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Our BIGGEST challenge

Carson has made so much progress but there are still so many challenges we face. He isnt eating again and that really stresses me out because I worry that he is hungry and I worry that he will lose weight. He has been eating so well for a few weeks now and it has been a huge relief. All of a sudden he has stopped eating EVERYTHING! He also isnt sleeping well again and I have no idea why. The diet was helping all of these things and now its like we are starting to go back to where we were. He has been really upset all day today and he cries but we have no idea what he is upset about or what he wants. Its an awful feeling as a parent to not be able to stop the tears from your child and to not know whats wrong or what to do to help. I keep thinking he is probabaly hungry but no matter what I make him he will sit at the table and cry hysterically and push the food away. I dont know what else it could be. I wish he could just tell us if something hurts. He has been so upset today and coughing so I thought maybe his throat was hurting and I gave him some medicine before bed but he woke up at midnight screaming and crying. I made him something to eat thinking he was probably hungry but he still wouldnt eat anything. Here is is 1am and he is in his room having a major meltdown. He wont stay in his bed and I have no idea what to do for him. The biggest challenge of his autism so far has been days like these when he is so upset and he cant tell us why and we cant figure it out. I want to be able to help him and give him what he needs. I pray so hard everyday that eventually he will be able to communicate with us. I have hope that one day that will happen. All I can do is hope and pray....

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