Friday, August 31, 2012

Living With Autism: Day 8

We have weekly targets given to us by Carson's school. This week we worked on picture to picture matching. Carson soared right through it! After each trial he gets a fruit snack for reinforcement. When we praise him he smiles and giggles. He loves praise and most of the time he prefers a clap and hug over an edible!!! These pictures are of him doing the picture to picture matching.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Living With Autism: Day 7

We took Carson to get a haircut this afternoon. He did very well considering he doesn't like his head or ears to be touched. He refused to wear the smock but did pretty well. The place we take him has tv's with DVD players at every station and firetrucks and airplanes for the kids to sit in while they get their haircut. Carson chose to watch Wow Wow Wubbzy. Overall it was a great day and free of meltdowns!!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Living With Autism: Day 6

Carson loves anything involving water. We set the sprinkler up after school and he loved it. Another thing he loves to do is swing. It's amazing when he is swinging. He is so calm and attentive. He responds to his name, makes eye contact and even smiles!!!! I get great pictures of him on the swing!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Living With Autism: Day 5

Carson had a great day at school today! He worked on labels and matching 3D objects!

One of the things he does after school is brings one of us to the refridgerator for a snack. Everyday he has to have a jello cup. After snack he likes to gather toys and put them in a pile. Sometimes they are related items and other times they are random. After he gathers everything he wants he will come get me and want me to sit with him. He likes to sit inside my legs for comfort. This entire process has become a ritual of his.

This is the pile he made this afternoon after school and the following is a picture of him during his after school snack.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Living With Autism: Day 4

Carson had a great day at school but has had several meltdowns this evening. Mondays are usually difficult for him. Playing on the iPad calmed him down so much. He loves his Talking Rex app!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Living With Autism: Day 3

Carson is AMAZING at puzzles. One of his favorite things to do is puzzles. He is able to do a 48 piece puzzle. He could probably even do more but we haven't tried anything bigger yet. Funny thing is that last school year his goal for the year was a 12 piece puzzle and he is doing a 48 piece!!! Amazing!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Living With Autism: Day 2

Today we realized that Carson loves the faces on his animal toys and dinosaurs. They seem to fascinate him. We went to a friends house and he fell in love with their rocking horse. He pulled it over by a bouncing zebra and put their faces right up to each other. I love to watch him play. I always wonder what's going through his little head!!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Living With Autism: Day 1

I have decided to chronicle our days everyday for a year. This will give everyone that reads this a better glimpse into Carson's life, struggles and accomplishments!!!

Day 1: August 24th, 2012
Carson had a rough day at school. He is having a difficult time transitioning to his new classroom. We went out to dinner tonight and he had a big meltdown. He is usually very good when we are out in public so his behavior wasn't normal. I could not figure out what was wrong. Turns out he needed to go potty and couldn't tell me. I brought him out to the car because of his meltdown and he had a huge accident. I felt so awful!!! Communication continues to be a daily struggle. He has his ipad but is still learning how to use it. He is on a waiting list to start Speech Therapy & Occupational Therapy again. Hopefully something opens up for him soon.

On a positive note, Carson is now in a booster seat in the car and he loves it!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Big steps

Carson seems to have made a breakthrough. He is starting to interact with other children and some adults!! It's amazing to watch him hold another child's hand and giggle. He still doesn't quite know how to interact and can be a bit rough but he is learning. He has been very affectionate towards me and has been giving me big hugs and even kisses!!! Amazing!!! We are still waiting for his first words and hoping and praying they will come!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Quarterly progress meeting

Carson met all his goals for the year except 2!!! He is doing so great!!! We discussed his new goals for the upcoming school year. I'm hoping he will fly through all of those as well! His social skills are improving so much. He is starting to interact with other children and even with Madison!!! He has also become much more affectionate and cuddly. I am so happy with his progress!!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Happy Birthday Carson!

4 years ago today I became a mother. I had no idea at the time how much love my heart could hold. This little boy has touched so many lives. I love him sooo much!!! Happy 4th Birthday buddy xoxo

Friday, August 10, 2012

Autism can change the world...

"If my child having Autism can change me for the better, it can change you as well. And if Autism can change you, it can change the world"
-Stewart Duncan

Swinging and Spinning

We brought Carson to this little park by our house. There is just a slide and a tire swing. Carson loves to swing and even more than that he loves tire swings. I noticed the entire time he was on the swing he was so attentive. Every time I said his name he responded and made eye contact! He was so calm and happy on the swing.

The Little Things

A quote I love and can relate to

Saturday, August 4, 2012

4 already?

Carson will be 4 in 10 days!!! I can't believe it! It seems like we just brought him home from the hospital! The last 4 years have been the most fulfilling but challenging years of my life! I never would have thought MY child would have autism but he does. It's 1 in 88 and he is the 1! Autism has taught me to appreciate the little things in life and not take those things for granted. 4 years ago I was pregnant and excitedly waiting the arrival of my first child. When I thought of the little boy I hadn't met yet I pictured him going to football games with his daddy and being mommy's little boy. I never imagined him with autism. That doesn't mean our dreams for him can't one day happen but it just means we will have to work a little harder to get there. 4 years ago autism never crossed my mind but 4 years later it is very close to my heart. However Carson is so much more than autism. Autism is just a characteristic like blue eyes. It's apart of who he is but it doesn't define him. Sometimes I have to remind myself of this. He is still the same little boy we brought home 4 years ago. Our bundle of joy!!!